Thursday 22 April 2021

Collaboration - Virtual presentation

Students have met online 

and presented their respective country with the help of the following template: 

1. Official name:
2. Official spoken language:
3. Type of regime:
4. National currency:
5. Entry in Europe:
6. Number of inhabitants:
7. Bordering countries:
8. lndependence Day:
9. Capital city:
10. Major city names:
11. Mountain names:
12. River names:
13. Climate:
14. Bank holidays:
15. Name and type of UNESCO sites

    • France:
French students have prepared a factsheet presentation about the project partners

and oral presentations

Then students were evaluated on what they remembered 

More videos and photos are accessible here 


Our students have created a video of our country with the outlined frame. Enjoy the watch
or here

    • Romania:
    • Spain:

    • Turkey : 
Our students have prepared an introductory video about our country; Turkey
You can watch it by clicking on the link:))
And they have presented our country, Turkey in an outlined frame. Here is the link to access the file: Factsheet About Turkey

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