Tuesday 15 March 2022

France - memorials and place of interest


French students discover Paris' cultural heritage with a local guide :
  • La tombe du soldat Inconnu

  • Les Champs Elysées

interviews de touristes, de passants sur le patrimoine

  • Montmartre 
Our partner, Cultival, organised the visit with a guide. 

the Sacré Coeur

The legend of St Denis   and     of café Catherine

Dalida, a famous French singer

"Le Passe-Muraille", Marcel Aymé

the importance of mills and of "Moulin de la Galette"

the reason of the presence of Wallace fountains in Paris

it's a hilly village

the shop where a scene of the film "Amélie Poulain" was shot

it is an artistic place

the wall of "Je t'aime" written in more than 250 languages

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