Saturday 8 May 2021

Architectural heritage


Sevim Tekin Anatolian High School students have studied our local architectural heritage as a project activity. They searched important places and gathered information about them. As a final product, they shot a video introducing some of them; Stone Bridge, Clock Tower, Varda Bridge.

Here is the link, have a nice watching:)))

At school students learnt and discovered their local heritage.
The educational partner, C.A.U.E. 95, and our school librarian, Mrs Lagny, helped us teach students about the historical evolution of the city of City. 

more photos and videos accessible 
  • French students recorded their fave local heritage sitesYou can listen to them here 
On a school outing, French students visited the city of Ermont and studied the architecture of houses, buildings :

- with the help of our partner CAUE 95 

more photos, videos, documentation are accessible here

- 2 students' feedback
more examples of feedback are accessible here

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