Monday, 3 July 2023

LTTA to Romania - day 1 Symposium


We have attended to a symposium about Education in Museum during  the Romanian mobility in which each instutition has presented a related activity and good examples of lesson plans and activities are shared. 

TURKİYE- Education in Museum "Clock Tower" Activity 

In this context, we, Sevim Tekin Anatolian High School prepared an activity to be applied to any cultural heritage: "Clock Tower" Activity. 

This can be implemented in three steps: pre activity, while activity and post activity. 

This aims to take our students attention to the heritage issue and cause them to get an insight to search and take an action in preservation of cultural heritage. 

  • link to the presentation of the activity 

France - LP Ferdinand BUISSON
  • link to the presentation of the activity

Spain - Institut Narcís Monturiol
  • links to the presentation of the activity (1, 2, 3, 4

Portugal - Escola Secundária Dr. Augusto César da Silva Ferreira, Rio Maior
  • links to the presentation of the activity (1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Greece - 2nd Gerakas Senior High School

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